By: Scarlett Taylor
Chinese affairs, especially in terms of the violation of human rights, are an inevitable topic during the G7 summit where controversial issues over China’s persecution of Uyghurs in Xinjiang and the infringement of freedom in Hong Kong were discussed.
On June 15th, two days after the G7 summit ended, ‘People’s Daily’, China’s most influential propaganda news outlet, published an article accusing G7 of interfering with the situation in Hong Kong, which they likened to “cliche malice towards Chinese national affairs”.
In that article, People’s Daily points out that G7’s economic muscle has drastically weakened during these years, with the combined GDP of G7 countries taking up 40% of the global GDP in comparison with 80% in the 1970s, highlighting the “hypocrisy” in their efforts to reboost the economy of the world as well as to solve common problems such as the pandemic and climate change.
One example shown in the article is “vaccine nationalism” explained by the case where the US and the UK stockpiled a quantity of vaccines far beyond their national needs. This, in China’s opinion, is evidence of G7’s obsession with giving empty promises to improve people’s well-being across the globe, as well as its absurd accusations about Chinese issues.
The article also mentions the controversy between Britain and France over the sovereignty of Northern Ireland, questioning the countries’ double standard over their own and China’s national affairs.
At the end of the article, China urges G7 to shift attention from intervening in Hong Kong affairs to rebuilding the global economy and combating climate change.